Thursday, February 26, 2009

Summary of 2 articles I have read

I have read 2 articles about genetical modified food(GM food) to prepare my group roundtable discussion. My group disscussion is about a set of technologies which certain group have resisted. One of the technologies we will discuss is GM food, so i chose this two articles-"The true story of GM food" and "Genetic engineering, food and our environment".

In the past decade, the issue of whether Genetically-Modified(GM) foods are beneficial to people has been debated and investigated by the scientists, public interest groups, environmental organizations, food experts and the communities all over the world. While some accept the GM foods that are nutritive, others argue that harmful substances may be created because they are genetic engineering foods.

GM foods are foods produced by altering genetically modified organisms’ DNA through genetic engineering. Many people support that GM foods are beneficial because there are numerals of advantages brought by the nutritive contents of GM foods. The major reason is that, according to Healthy Eating Club in Australia, GM foods can enhance human health because of their extra vitamins. There are thousands of children who go blind and die due to lack of vitamin A every year in developing countries. GM food may help them.

Another strongest reason is that GM foods with increased levels of chemicals and nutrition help to protect against cancers and heart diseases, for example, transgenic tomato. Flavonol is substance against cancer and heart diseases. The gene inserted in this tomato boosts the production of enzyme chalcone isomerase (CHI) and flavonol synthesis in tomato is controlled by chalcone isomerase (CHI). A large amount of Flavonol which can help to protect against cancer and heart diseases is produced in the GM foods.

Some people, however, are opposed to the ideas of GM foods are beneficial because considering the safety of GM foods is an essential part of the arguments. A strong objection is the fact that, introducing foreign genes into food plants may trigger some unexpected risks, side effects and impacts on human health due to the changing of chemical compositions. The effects of incorporating genes into plants are not predictable.

GM foods are safe for eating is still questionable. It is apparent from the above information that there are both benefits and potential effects of eating GM foods. Benefits include providing extra sufficient vitamins to human body and protecting against cancer and diseases. Potential effect is unpredictable chemical reactions to human body.

Andrew Rowell, 2003, The true story of GM food, 15th July 2003 p.146-147

Anderson, 1999, “Genetic engineering, food and our environment” Luke Green Books

rebut-counter, prohibit, controvert
falsified-tell lies
daffodil-one type of flowers


  1. Scare me.
    It is the first time I know that GM food can make people blind.Haha.
    Well done! But I think you may link your essay to the articles more. You did not mention points like how can they help you in you essay.

  2. cool essay, though i do not consume GM food but i am at the side of supporting it. GM food consists of all kinds of food. we cannot say mushroom is bad just because one kind of mushroom may be poinous while all the rest are delicious and safe to consume. haha

    I can still feel the strong mother tongue interference in your

  3. OMG i used "though..but" in my comments!!
    that s dumb. sorry for that :D

  4. HAHA! Indeed what li jing said was true! i didnt know GM Food could make that great an impact on consumers!

    However, I feel that your essay is encompassing! I would personally not eat GM Food also! :)
