Friday, February 6, 2009

Summary the lecture on 30 January

Three lecturers Mr Palmer, Mr Benjamin and Mr Bala, each one gave us a presentation on the lecture of 30 January. They all had concerned about global warming in different views and aspects. In the first presentation, Mr Palmer elaborated the emission of carbon dioxide in recent years; in the second presentation, Mr Benjamin used science and technology to address energy and technological problems; in the final presentation, Mr Bala simply talked about the causes, effects and solutions of global warming.

Firstly, Mr Palmer focused on the emission of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide throughout his presentation. He showed us the curve of emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from 1750 to 2000 at the beginning. It had been risen rapidly and the tendency is continuing. He then analyzed the ways of reducing carbon dioxide in fuel efficiency and conservation, switching to alternative energy sources and mitigation. He also showed us another curve that the emission of carbon dioxide had reduced after actions had been taken in UK. Finally, he said that "We will be lucky if the problem can be tackles in next 100 years".

Secondly, Mr Benjamin expounded about four different stands of determinism, technological, structural, autonomous technology and consequential determinism. Since there are cultural and behavioral challenges, public apathy and misunderstanding, psychological resistance and environmental concerns, not all the technologies is acceptable from public. To make people accept new policies or technologies, social concerns are important. Mr Benjamin stated that science and technology study methods provide a useful lens to evaluate new technologies.

Finally, Mr Bela talked about the human activities and factors affecting the climate change, greenhouse effect, future predictions, potential result of our earth, difficulties in dealing with the global warming problems and how to reducing the emission of carbon dioxide. Those information is similar to the first presentation and it is very common. I believe everyone had heard about it from public media.

Personally, I found more interests from the first two presentations. About the first one, Mr Palmer showed us some facts, it is more realistic. Furthermore, the curve that the emission of carbon dioxide had reduced after actions had been taken in UK can encourage us to take actions and the final sentence of Mr Palmer impressed me so much. About the second one, it seems be some information new to us. We can know more strategies to implement policies and new technologies, so i like it as well. After this lecture, anyone knows what can we do to save our earth. It is valuable and worth.


  1. a lot of "ly"s as the opening word of the para.
    the fruitful content of your entry shows that you have listened to the lecturers carefully...

    some sentences are too long, i have the same problem also, i m trying to use "," to split my long sentences if they cannt be shortened any further.

  2. i like your last paragraph where you wrote what you personally felt abt the lecture.

    and your points are well written! good job!

  3. You did a wonderful job in fulfilling the requirements of the question,namely,summarizing the three speeches and pointing out any interesting parts.
    Keep it up!
